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Get to Know Me

I see myself as a "spiritual midwife" dedicated to assisting the birth of a new world of freedom and love by supporting families and individuals in their quest to live an authentic life.

My road to becoming a psycho-spiritual coach has been paved by my experiences and interests, which I see expressed in three pillars; nature, nurture, and self-realization. I draw from them in my work as guide.

Friendly photograph of me
Green Hills

Dramatic Sunset


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In my twenties, I discovered a love for biology and embryology–sciences that study the nature and development of life. My scientific work gave me insight into the physical foundation of our human experience. In the following two decades I dedicated myself to raising my beautiful children and extended my devotion as a Waldorf teacher to nurturing others as well. I had the privilege to work with early childhood, grade-, and high school students. I supported both parents and teachers. I developed a deep understanding of social-emotional and child development, and have learned that we all pass through and incorporate developmental stages in relating to the world. 

Running through the stages of my own life has been my commitment to personal growth and development, which manifests as a path towards inner authenticity, and outer service to humanity and the earth. This lifelong unfolding of my true nature has been a kind of ongoing spiritual birthing process. I have explored several spiritual paths, blending deep wisdom of Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, from Patanjali's yogic path through Buddhism, hermeticism, anthroposophy, Jungian therapy, and psychosynthesis.  

The three threads in my life weave together in what I can offer as a psycho-spiritual coach. I have come to see the embryonic stages, child development, and the spiritual path offered in Anthroposophy as a profound, unified archetypal map for guiding parents and individuals toward a life of meaning, harmony, and aliveness. Psychosynthesis is a potent framework that can connect these archetypal images to our daily lives, helping us manifest the essence of who we are in a grounded and practical way. I feel inspired to share my unique gifts and guide you toward experiencing purpose, vitality, and fulfilling relationships with yourself and others.

Curious who I am? Watch a clip of one of my webinars to get to know me better.

The Loving observer

Schedule a free 30-minute session

Feeling curious? Schedule a free 30-minute conversation to get a good idea of what I have to offer. This will help you determine if we are a good fit, which package is best for you, and how I can personalize your journey. We will look at your life; where you may feel stuck, where you need support, and how I can be of service.

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